Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Recruiter Seeks Man Made of Tin

Ahhhh salary negotiations. I know what you are thinking... that tree looks familiar. Yes, I have broached this subject several times and unfortunatley I am still hunting for the map that leads me to contentment when a salary negotiation is over with. The last one I must say took a toll on me that would make the Texas Highway Department envious. The ingredients in this candidate vs. employer face off were greed and pride and well we all know how that ends (see Hungry Hungry Hippos post). After I surveyed the results, one imagine popped in my head and I think my goal for this post is to explore why...

I have to admit I have never seen The Wizzard of Oz in it's entirety so I feel a bit uncomfortable making this reference. After all, I am of the opinion you shouldn't be able to use the phrase "Catch 22" unless you have read the Joseph Heller novel, and thanks to a great high school english teacher, I have. I am going to buck my own opinion here though because what I know of the Tin Man, it's a reference that is right on.

So here's what I know about the Tin Man... all tin and no heart. If I delve a bit deaper into his tin exterior and what exactly that means I find that tin is a substance that has a high resistance to corrosion. Simply put, it is going to take a lot for the Tin Man's surroundings to pearce him and if they do, all they have waiting inside is an abyss. That's right, all that hard work to get to our dear tin man, and your grand prize is NO HEART! And that is why ladies and gentlemen, when I find myself with a ring side seat to a battle between candidate and company, with a lot riding on them finding a middle ground, I want the anatomy of a tin man.

I am being a tad dramatic. Before I head to the plastic surgeon with a photo of a man with a funnel on his head I should probably attempt to make some rational internal changes. Any advice out there?

1 comment:

Paige Prince said...

the tin made is overrated, the witch however is someone to look up to. persistent and mean with real tactics! first things first, watch the movie... where were you in the last 20 years? good post.. keep em coming!